Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I finally did it! But it's only been this once, so hold your horses... ; )

I hated the MCAT the other day, because I took a mock MCAT and was so confused about the stupid MCAT, almost worse than ever before. I woke up on Saturday and corrected the physical sciences section of the test and I learned a lot. Then on Sunday, I think I read and did a passage, but I seriously can't remember...oh well. (Time is just disappearing before my eyes as this test prep progresses.) Monday I read G.Chem and went to my Kaplan class. I did some more reading on Tuesday, and did some physics passages and corrected them. (Go me!) Today I woke up and read verbal reasoning stuff from the Kaplan book, and I just did 2 verbal passages and got 100% on each! This is the FIRST TIME this has ever happened to me, thus I am enjoying this little bit of time and trying to internalize the feeling. Kaplan says that it is being in tune with this feeling that will help us test takers know how to intuitively get to the 100%s each and every time. (*Sigh of relief) ...I think I'll go get a cup of coffee before doing another set of passages.

Ciao for now,


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